Monday, January 13, 2014

Let's Discuss Auto Fraud Scams and Legal Help

First off, we need to discuss what constitutes auto fraud. Auto fraud can be an orchestrated or a spur of the moment idea. Either way someone is trying to cheat you and your insurance company by setting up an auto accident. These unethical people become so good at setting up an auto accident it may never be detected unless you know what to look for. Your auto insurance company can only do so much when their hands are full with legitimate claims. You need to be aware of possible signs of auto fraud. 

It's not just the payout that can be costly to your insurance company, but this also affects your driving record. Insurance premiums will likely go up and in some cases you may be dropped altogether. This could cause you a difficult time finding replacement insurance at a low cost.

It's always important to drive the speed limit. Scam artists are always on the lookout for drivers who are speeding. Once they've found their victim they'll speed up to get in front of the car and then slam on their brakes. Of course this causes a rear end collision, which under law is automatically the fault of the driver who rear ended the other. 
This is the most common type of scam and is hard to avoid. Once the accident happens and insurance cards are exchanged the scammer can then go somewhere else and cause more damage to their vehicle before your insurance company has time to investigate and take photos. It's advisable to always take pictures yourself at the scene of the accident before further damage can be caused. Most cell phones today have that capability so it isn't too difficult to get this done.

Another big part of these scams is the eyewitness. Be wary of anybody who stops to exchange information saying they saw the whole thing. They could be part of the scam. In giving their report to a police officer on site they can slant the whole accident to make it sound like you were totally at fault. Make sure you get the personal information of any so-called innocent bystander.

These vehicle scam artists are out there just looking for the right victim. Never leave anything to chance if you have an accident.
In many cases, you need legal protection to overcome the issues caused by a scam. The Oklahoma auto fraud attorneys at Johnson & Biscone law firm are prepared to represent you in an auto fraud case.
You don’t have to settle on your own. Use the available skills of professional attorneys who know the laws and legal red-tape to cut through.
Learn more by going online to

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