Friday, July 11, 2014

Dealing with Insurance Company in Times of Disaster

With the many storms in the area these days there is no wonder that insurance companies are not wanting to pay these claims. Some don't want to make the payment while others just really can't afford to make the payments. It is really difficult to say which is the correct assumption for many of the companies. While there are so many people needing the insurance payments there are also many people suffering from rate increases like never seen before to assure the payments are able to be sent to the needed insured's.

So what happens in the event of a disaster and your insurance company just doesn't feel the need or have the income to pay the claim? What happens to you the insured who has made so many payments to the company to insure you are protected? Well, just in case you do not know. All insurance companies have a team of attorneys on their side to protect their best interest so to speak. While this is in place some might say protecting their best interest also protects their bottom line. Somehow they find a way to ensure those two stay hand in hand!

The only hope you have to hire an Oklahoma insurance attorney yourself. They know how to fight this battle as it is not their first time as it would be ours. They know who to seek out and who not to waste their time with as we do not know the difference! The most important reason to hire your own attorney is the simple fact that once you have someone representing your best interest the insurance company knows they have no choice but to offer you a fair deal and they also know the attorney will tell you the difference! Just as they have counsel to ensure and protect their bottom line you have counsel to insure and protect your bottom line. Now that the playing fields are more equal your offer will be as well!

There are some insurance companies that will payout minimal claims with no problems, most will. Just always remember these are your assets, not theirs and you have paid for many years to protect them. Don't back down just because the going got a little rough - you have worked way too hard for the assets you will lose!

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